Aliko Dangote was born into a wealthy home in Kano state, Nigeria. He got his first degree in Cairo, Egypt. He had always loved trading, and reports say he hawked sweets even as a primary school child even though his family was wealthy. Dangote is really a very humble person even by the confessions of people who have interacted with him. But Dangote is not the only hardworking Nigerian, he is not the only humble person around nor probably is he the most business savvy in Africa, but certainly he is the richest Black man in the world. His companies employ over 11,000 people directly not to mention, distributors, contractors and other vendors who depend on his businesses to thrive. Dangote is a blessing to humanity. There is no family in Nigeria today that does not have a Dangote product in their home. If it is not sugar, then it is salt or the house you are living in was built with a Dangote Cement. Everyone has something to do with his business, so like Job, he earns a little off everyone and that is the way to get wealthy. Dangote is the 23rd richest person in the world and is said to be the second most powerful African alive. 
         The question is how did Dangote attain such a height? As regard hard work and business acumen, but that is only the starting point of such huge success. The answer will not be found in the Forbes Magazine or on Wikipedia, The answer is in the verse of scripture quoted above: "If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land"(Isaiah 1:19). Sometime ago in the early 90's, Dangote had an encounter that set his foot on the path of destiny. Archbishop Benson Idahosa had some guests who needed to travel back urgently from Benin to Lagos to catch up their flight to the US. Fortunately by the time the Archbishop took his guests to the airport they were told that the last flight for the day was overbooked and not a single seat was available and as a matter of fact, the passengers have boarded and were about to take off. Archbishop Idahosa of blessed memory asked for the plane to be delayed a few minutes and walked to the tarmac where he was allowed to address the passengers. He pleaded with them about the desperate situation of his guests and asked that two persons should donate their seats for his guests to get to Lagos. Everyone in that plane were Christians but not one of them batted an eyelid. Some pretended to be asleep, some pretended to be praying while the man of God stood waiting. From the back of the plane, a young man asked the person sitting next to him to get up and together they vacated their seat for the American visitors. Archbishop Idahosa stopped him in the aisle of the plane and asked, Young man what's your name and what do you do? My name is Dangote, Aliko Dangote and this is my assistant. I am a trader, a businessman he replied. ...there and then, Archbishop Benson Idahosa blessed him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ saying "...The world will get up for you!” Today God has answered that prayer. The interesting thing is that God destined that blessing for someone seated in that plane that evening, but there was a condition attached to it.... Isaiah 1:19(NLT): say "If you will obey me, you will have plenty to eat". Dangote's wealth today was not meant for a Christian businessman who was too proud, too fixated in his mind to offer the flamboyant man of God, the prosperity preacher his seat.
     My question is, if you were there on that plane, would you have taken the blessing? Nothing in life is worth fighting for except for the purpose of your life. Stop bragging your best clothes is someone's rag, your account balance is someone's donation at a function... So what's the squabble all about? Life is too small to feel bigger or better than anybody...Be the best you can be, enjoy every moment God has given you because "Every moment differs from another..." Mike Murdock. & "We're all naked to death" says Steve Jobs.  Nothing can save us from it. I hate to see people who Brag about wealth, beauty, intelligence, level of education, fame and material possessions. There's nothing you've achieved in life that no one else has never gotten. There's only one thing that is worth bragging which is "BELIEVE  IN GOD ALMIGHTY". SO BE GOOD TO YOUR FELLOW MAN AND ALWAYS MAKE RIGHT FRIENDS!"

             IT IS ONLY THOSE THAT'S TRAVELLING IN YOUR DIRECTION THAT DESERVES YOUR ASSOCIATION .Always remember, respect every one you see for some have entertained angels unknowingly the people you trampled upon on your way up a ladder will be the same set of people you're likely to pass on your way down, so cause no problem for others because if you do, they'll become your very problem one day. Work smartly with the wisdom from above towards your life's purpose...set achievable goals in their direction 'cause when performance is measured,performance improves. Finally, The life of Jesus Christ secures your eternity, but His principles gives wealth and is the reality... Learn his principles and see yourself at the top !
