...WIFE MATERIAL!...

What Do You Do When You Truly Love A Man?

The preparation part for every lady is not only important, it is a scriptural truth you cannot ignore, or else there will be issues after wedding. A lady has to be prepared, even before she is ever found! Let’s take a look at the scripture.

Proverbs 18:22 (KJV) “Whoso findeth a WIFE findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD…” Whoso findeth a wife I thought the Bible should say, Whoso findeth a sister, or a lady or a babe and so on? How does a man find a wife? Why would the Bible call an unmarried woman a wife? It is very simple. God is saying you can only be found when you are a wife? In terms of preparation and readiness to enter into that role. Are you a wife? In heart or still a girl? Men are looking to find a wife, not a sister! How do you become a wife without being married, so that you can be found?                      

1. It is in your preparations.

2. It is in your attitudes.

3. It is in your discipline & values.

4. It is in your relationship with your family.

5. It is in your readiness to quickly forgive.

6. It is in your refusal to keep malice.

7. It is in your resolve never to be bitter at your loved one.

8. It is in your ability to keep a home… and it shows in what you do when you are still with you parents.

9. Most importantly, it is in your relationship with God and firm resolve never to compromise.

A lady who wakes up in the morning, gets on Facebook and Twitter, while her mum sweeps it out in the kitchen alone is not yet a wife and so she may be not be found! If she was found, maybe it’s another boy and not a man that found her and wants to just take advantage of her. You don’t become a wife to be found by traveling over to his house, to start cooking for him. It’s a wife that would be found, not a cook. It is not in going to spend weekends in his house and washing underwear and boxers. It’s a wife that would be found, not a dry-cleaner… 

Love is dynamic and sweet… could be bitter when wrong steps are taken. It is a walk that one engages in by choice. Love is a walk of mutuality. Permit me to say also that love is a walk of faith. (If you've ever had a heart break, you will understand what I'm talking about more). You just met this guy/lady; you know everything about him except what is in his heart (the seat of decision), yet you are following him. You trust him/her so much that you can sacrifice your life for him/her as the second Jesus in history. Relationship, however, does not work effectively just by faith. Of course the Bible says that faith without work is dead. So, you have some work to do Amigo! There are some essential ingredients you must add to a pot of soup to make it real tasty. Before you take that ring, you must ensure that the following are in place:

1. Compatibility- can you two walk together? This is in several forms:

[a.] Are you spiritually compatible?
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. If you are a believer marrying an unbeliever then you are in for misunderstanding. [b.] Are you mentally compatible? Do you have the same goals and visions? Do you think towards the same direction? If a partner is higher mentally than the other and the latter is not willing to upgrade, then reconsideration is advised. [C.] Are you compatible in values- Are your value systems in line? Do you treasure the same things?

2. Understanding- You must be understanding in order to make your relationship work, understand the gender difference. Don't take every single offence to heart. Make excuses for your partner, though with wisdom. Know and respect your likes and dislikes. Be ready to learn from each other. Don't be in a competition with your partner for the best; work as a team...two will chase ten thousand!

3. Communication- Love is communication. Where there is no communication, love dies. A dead love is awakened however by communication. Build your relationship on this. Talk and talk, gist and gist, chat and chat, and don't stop. Discuss both the future and the present, and more and more to come...

Becoming a wife so that you can be found is a non-sexual process! Sex is not involved, it is in reading wide, learning what it means to submit, understanding your spiritual role as a wife and learning to live with another human being who is different from you in thoughts patterns. That is becoming a wife before wedding. Offering him sex before wedding does not make you special before him, he can also get it from prostitutes! It only devalues you and stains your "wife" status, in the end reducing your chances of being found by a godly man. And this is really important because men are looking to find a wife, and the scriptures confirms it. They are not looking for a road side girl! They are not looking for a party girl. They are not looking for an available for all girl. They are not looking for a desperate girl. There are however guys that are looking for girls, not wives, when you meet such men, don't rejoice yet, because they are after you for what they will get from you. They are looking for naive girls, emotionally vulnerable girls, needy girls, desperate girls, sexually loose girls, all they want is fun and then they dump you after.

You cannot live your life as a lady hanging out with such people, they will waste your time, defile you and leave you in the middle of the road. There is a man for you, and that man that God has prepared for you will find you. Believe God. You are not abandoned as a lady. Never compromise to keep a man, it is not a good seed into the future! To the married folk, just a word before I close. That man in your life, your husband found you because you are a wife don't reverse back into becoming a girl!

There is a different between a wife and a knife. One heals and cares, the other lacerates and cuts. Be a wife. Do all you can to keep your home. Love your man. Stay by him. It may be difficult, but it is not impossible. You will have the victory at the end. May the God of heaven be with you, help you and teach you to become what He has created you to be. May you find purpose in relationship and in marriage!
Be a wife!.
Be a helper!
